Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Thursday, October 4th, I had a car accident in the parking lot at the local Mall after going there to get a flu shot. 




10-24-12 update: CAR GONE

10-22-12 update: Repairs will be too costly and the car will be sent for junk on Wednesday and I'll get $400. The police officer amended the report but only slightly, not enough to matter.

The BMW SUV collided into my Ford Escort. There seems to be a long process involved and my car is now sitting in the driveway. I saw the police report on Thursday. It says that the SUV passed in front of me and I crashed into it. That did not happen. I pulled out of the parking space and the SUV hit my right fender with its left fender and kept going. I am going to attempt to negotiate with the police officer and show him the photographs I took which show a different story than what he reported. Otherwise it looks like I am some daffy lady who just drives into SUV's without seeing them in front of me.

Now I need to purchase another car. It is an expense I have not expected. 

Please scroll down to see the original Fundraiser information. Please help me reach the $3000 goal. 

Friday, September 14, 2012


MEMO: from Phyllis Segura
TO: Special List


For the past 7 years, on and off, I have been working on a cookbook that reveals the ways to have a contemplative practice join with the preparation of food. I have done several large works in my life but this may be the biggest one yet.

I am calling it Simmer Gently© with a working subtitle of The Contemplatives Cookbook. You can have wine with that.

Over the years the title has changed countless times but the basic idea has stayed the same. It is a very ambitious book in two parts. The first section fully makes the reader aware of  the process of preparing themselves to cook with particular attention. Meditation, emotions, hunger, the kitchen, tools, techniques, methods and preparations are all discussed.

The second section is all recipes. The recipe section features a sidebar with advice, guided meditations, sensory alerts, history, comments and more. This section is also organized in a unique way. Photographs are included. Some of them will be refrigerator interiors...Starting at the $11-25 level I will send you a sample page via email.

I don't want to give away any secrets here so that is really all I can tell you. But you can ask questions about the uniqueness of this particular approach.

After much contemplation over the years, I decided to go ahead and write the book without having a go-ahead from any particular publisher. I have considered self-publishing but see that it is not an approach that I could reasonably take due to a number of factors, not the least of which would be the cost.

At this time, I feel that I must devote myself to finishing this book. In order to do that I need to raise some funds for basic living expenses. I've considered going to fundraising sites like Kickstarter and Indiegogo but after researching that approach thoroughly I came to the conclusion that something more direct to specific people would be best.

I have organized this private/public fundraising attempt in a similar fashion to the fundraising sites. That means that there are different categories of participation along with PERKS.

I have also created this blog that explains the PERKS, or what you might get for what you might give. Just scroll down.

I am sending you this message because I think you can help. I am hoping for 100% participation, even at the $1 level
My goal is to raise $3,000.

See below for the PERKS. Consider what you could do. 
Go to the DONATE button on your upper right.

You can contribute via Paypal*, credit card, or personal check to me at:

489 Piermont Avenue, Piermont, NY 10968

You can phone me at: 845-365-0042 

*Paypal takes 4%

If you have any questions you can ask them in the comments. Let me know that you have made a donation.  You can say if you want your name listed or you want to be anonymous. 
Painting by BJ Sutton


Grand Aioli. Very perky.
Cookbook Fundraiser Perks

*Please note: The Thanksgiving Perks have been delayed due to circumstances after Hurricane Sandy.

All levels: receive acknowledgements in the book

The Starter                                               
a fresh recipe, sincere thanks

The Bowl of Soup
2 recipes, lots of lovely thoughts.

The Tapas
3 recipes, a small Thanksgiving surprise,  3 phone calls with cooking private instructions, appreciation plus. Beginning at this level, if you request it, I will send you a sample page via email.

The Fries with That
4 recipes, a Thanksgiving surprise, 4 phone calls with cooking instructions, sincere gratitude.

The Meat & Potatoes
Pre-publication copy of the book, an original drawing, a special Thanksgiving surprise, and tremendous thanks.

The Blue Plate Special
Copy of published book, an original drawing, a Thanksgiving surprise and great gratitude.

*Only noticed today 11/29 that there is no Perk category from $126-249. How very strange. Will have to create one right now:

The Dessert
Copy of published book, an original drawing, a  big (later than) Thanksgiving surprise, plus something else that I can't think of right now but certain an appropriate item will arise, and sublime gratitude.
The Dinner for Two
Copy of published book, dinner for two cooked in your home (transportation not included), an original drawing, delicious sentiments sent daily.

The Now We're Cookin'
2 copies of published book, cooking class for four in your home (transportation not included), an original drawing and undying gratitude.

The Party
3 copies of published book, dinner party cooking class for six in your home (transportation not included), unlimited cooking advice by phone, an original drawing, a written tribute of appreciation.

11/22 : Total: $2956 (Another $250 has been pledged but I haven't gotten home to see my mail in about 3 weeks so have not posted!

11/26: Total: $3156

12/7 - $3206

 Goal of $3000 reached !!
Total now: $3206

The donors:
Roberta Weir
Flame Schon
Kate Crisp
Diana Conley
Martha Philpin
Norvie Bullock
Howard Harawitz
Ben Pressman
Sherie Scheer
Hildy Maze
Cheryl Campbell
Maryl & Gary Schapiro
Mary Curtis Ratcliff
David Margolis
Muhasibi Shalom
Beryl Korot
Marni Rosenblum
Kilian Ganly
Brian Hilliard
Antonella Maccioni
Vicki Giella
Henry Zemel
Katrin Schell
Robert Fierman
Lanny Harrison
Barbara Bash
Steve Gorn
Patti Chenis
Caroline Oldenbusch
Janice van Buskirk
Suzanne Duarte
Bart Leonard
Lynn & Ed Samuels
Claire Ritter
Connie Moffit
Leona Kockenmeister
Una Morera   
Newcomb & Ditty Greenleaf 
Vyt Bakaitis 
Paulette Graf
Jed Rosenzweig
Frank Cavestani
Kristen McInerney
Kathleen Myers
Liz Marx
Alan Warshaw 
Barry Samuels